Tuesday, January 10, 2006

January Slumber Party

Hello WITWives and Friends,

I thought it would be fun to start off the New Year with something a little different. For those of you who were at the November meeting of WIT, we SIS at Mt. Lebanon, have been unable to settle on a Workshop date for or by February, so I'm working on it happening in the summer. Women In Touch Ministries and Sisters In Spirit are going to do "She's Watching You" Workshop before this year is out.

YOU ARE INVITED TO MY HOUSE: I thought we'd have a sleepover/slumber party for Jan. I also thought that since our weekends are so busy that having it on a Sunday leading into a holiday might make it possible for more of us to find some free time. When I origanally thought this, I was not working, but I later realized I might not be off on MLK Day, so I had to wait to find out if I was going to be off too. I REALLY HOPE THIS WORKS OUT FOR EVERYONE OR MOST EVERYONE:)

Teresa's House ( see original email for address )
WHEN: Sunday, Jan. 15th - Monday Jan. 16th, Starting at 5pm and ending ...whenever you leave on Monday.
WHY: Bible Study, Food and Fun!! Fun:) Fun:) Fun:) Fun:) and lots more fun:)
BRING: Your bible, Favorite Video or DVD of your Favorite Movie (new or old) and your Favorite Junk Food or Snack Food (enough to share).... so if you bake, bake enough, if you make, make enough and if you buy, buy enough
BRING: Your Favorite Board Game or Card Game or Game of Any Kind and Something to sleep In and Something to sleep On
WHAT NOT TO BRING: Any children or Husbands or Trouble....well okay you can bring a little trouble...but nothing else!!!!!
R.S.V.P.: So I can know who can come, by Wednesday?....Friday?.... okay before Sunday, by email or call and leave a message...don't assume I'll know your voice....leave your name.

I hope someone's favorite food is chicken or pizza because whatever we bring is what we have to eat....I ain't joking!!

Q:" Can I bring someone else?"
A: If they can stand...I mean enjoy your company I'm sure they'll like the rest of us...so absolutely.
Q: "Is Teresa's house clean?"
A: It is as clean as anyone's is with 3 young children, a husband and a full time job... well anyone named Teresa.
Q: "Will she clean up especially for us?"
A: Yes..No...Maybe...It depends on how I feel when I get home from work on Friday...and Basketball and Cheerleading practice...And Basketball Games on Saturday....And church all day Sunday.....NO!!!!!
Q: "Will there be enough room for everyone?"
A: There is plenty of floor space. But if you bring your air mattress or recliner it might be tight.
Q: "Does she have any pets?"
A: I'm sending them to their grandma's and back to their mama's...Oh , you said Pets not Pest....NO, no pets.
My Frequently Asked Question: "Is Teresa okay/crazy?"
BEST Guess Answer: Okay...no. Crazy..uh, yeaha...that's why she invites people over on a day off.
Q: " Will the Christmas Decorations be Down?"
A: "You know!!" And they'll be plugged in and Lit-up. Just so people can find the house...hehehaha:)

God'sWord!God'sWill!God'sWay!Let Us Pray....for


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