Wednesday, October 18, 2006

For Our Gail

For Our Gail

If ever there was a Christian woman
Who wholeheartedly loved the Lord
It was our wonderful friend, Gail
Never wavering even when times were hard.
Gail was a woman of integrity,
She was honest, loving and a woman of her word.
She listened to you when you shared with her
And listening, your heart she heard.

Her mission was to seek God for his purpose,
Her life goal was to follow his plan,
And let her life be a witness to knowing God
And lead others to the Promise Land

God wanted to use Gail
And she wanted to be used by Him
She wanted to be a living testimony
And share the reason for her joy with them.

Her praising God
Was not to be stopped by anything
Not cancer, not circumstances
And not pain.

She knew that no matter what happened to her body
On this earthly plane,
In Heaven with her Savior
She would be whole and live again.

We are sad only for ourselves and because we miss her,
For we can not reach out to hug and kiss her,
But we can not help but rejoice when we realize with a sigh
How she must be rejoicing and singing her Hallelujahs in the sky!

Sing out, sweet friend! Sing out to angels bending near
Sing out so sweetly that those of us on earth can hear
For it will a sweet song that we all shall someday sing together
Praising God with you again forever and ever and ever.

Author.......Thena Smith

Many of you know how much I love scrapbooking, what you may not know is how big a network scrapbooking is on-line. Last year when Gail died I asked a scrapbook friend to write a poem about her. No she did not know Gail personally but she read the blog entry on Gail and from that “For Our Gail” was birthed. Thena Smith is a published writer and I am still amazed that she took time out to write a poem for me in honor of my friend. I can’t believe its been a year since she left us. Sunday a few of us got together with Rev, Rev and in her name we sang at a music program at Messiah Presbyterian. Greta remarked at how much fun it felt to get together and sing some of the songs that Gail (can you believe now I can actually say that? All of the time I knew her she was Mrs. Davis to me but now I know that she was my Gail also) taught and even wrote for us. My daughter Marquisha who grew up learning and loving under Gail told me later that she knew Mrs. Davis was there with us Sunday. I felt it also and I know the others who “sang” felt her presence also. Last year we promised to stick together because that is what Gail would have wanted…She loved the women of Women In Touch…we know that because she said it over and over again. So today I am reaching out to my “wives” and I am challenging you to do the same. Call or email at least three WIT wives (and not just the ones you talk to on a regular basis). And while you are at it stop and have a little conversation with Gail and her God…you know “She is Watching You”.

Cyndi (the not soo quiet one anymore).

Oh, by the way you can read about Thena and find books written by Thena here:

1 comment:

Kelli said...

what a great challenge. that poem is so beautiful! A ma zing. I'm so sorry about your loss, I have a group of women I meet with on sunday nights...I love all 7 of them, they are my soulmates.