Monday, October 04, 2010

WOW! Its been too long!

Its been a while since this site was updated. Actually its been a long time since WIT Wives have gotten together. The last time was over a year ago when many of us traveled to Richmond to celebrate the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Harrell. Son of one of our WIT Wives Lula. It was like a WIT Reunion and Wedding all wrapped up into one! By now many of you have received a request from Teresa asking if any of us are interested in reviving our fellowship. Please give Teresa a call, or if you are in contact with some of our ladies please pass this info on to them. In an effort to contribute to this I have made some changes to our blog, and would love to keep everyone updated here on how our WIT Wives and their families are doing. Many have moved to different areas, some have had children graduate and go off to college, some have new grand babies and many more are preparing for new stages in life. So come on ladies, send us some updates and let us know what is happening in your life, if you have any prayer request, or if you just want to say hello.

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